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Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Quote from cmnspwr :So in a nut shell, I'm fcked if I want to run this on a laptop. There goes my $40 on a license.

If your laptop can't run lfs with details low, there will be very recent games/simulations that run properly on your laptop.

Gaming on laptops is possible and with very good performance. However, that comes with a big price-tag. Much bigger then it would cost with a desktop pc. A decent laptop for gaming comes easily at $1750+. A decent desktop system including monitor keyboard etc. about $1000 and there is a risk involved the much cheaper desktop system will stll be faster than the laptop.

So you should have thought about the performance of your laptop before buying any game or simulator! Start saving money!
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
I agree the sounds in lfs should be better, but tire blowouts are actually rather dull to hear. just a boring popping sound and that's it. Pressure in car tires are low about 2.0 to 2.8 bars depending on car weight. On cars a tyre blowout is usually not that violent(but can be very dangerous irl).
Last edited by Bluebird B B, . Reason : typo
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Maybe bit more like this car?

ok its has been modified slightly from standard, but the engine-block itself is standard. Solid axle, engine in front, relatievely low weight(less then 1450kg).

Also nice vid showing tyres in lfs are currently too fragile. But that should be fixd with the physics update(i hope).
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Basically your non-admin user had no write permissions to folder you installed LFS into (e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)).

That is a better explanation Instead off blaming vista/win7

So a could solution would be changing the security permissions on the lfs folder. make yourself the owner or make sure you are added with full access permissions.
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Quote from boom001 :Trend Micro Internet Security 2010. In the firewall config I have allowed LFS.exe UDP/TCP, incoming/outgoing all ports. (I have used the same on XP.)

Edit: To be honest it was the 2009 I used on XP.

Did you check the windows firewall?? firewall of vista/win7 is much better then the one which comes with XP. Although still absolutely not good enough to call it a real firewall, it actually does block sometimes traffic when it should.
If you are using 3rd vendor firewall, make sure the windows firewall is turned off.
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Quote from NotAnIllusion :I fixed the administrator/unlock problem by moving LFS into \users\myprofile and deselecting Read-only from the folder's Properties. That was with Vista x86, but since the problem in both cases is caused by the same thing, it will probably work.

I would call this a workaround, since lfs should work without any difficulties on vista/win7.

How did you install lfs? Do you have very restrictive uac enabled? Are you sure it is not just the read-only attribute problem? Weird execute permissions etc. ??
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Quote from danthebangerboy :Thats the problem, video card isnt really meaty enough to run LFS properly.

My old 256mb card used to struggle, and even my 512mb radeon one still dips from time to time.

Just try turning the detail down, run a smaller res, make sure its in 16 bit mode and not 32, turn off haze effect, sky, aa/af down or off, etc...

This also isnt a program bug, its a slow gfx card symptom lol

The amount of memory does not indicate how fast a grapghics card is. It is easy to buy a very slow 512MB card from nvidia or ati.

They cheap ones have often only 64bit memory access and usually run at much lower clock speeds. -> cheap memory, low gpu speeds-> use of chips on outside of the wafers which can only do low speeds.
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Quote from chavm481 :

That is not possible in lfs, according to popular theories here, such cars cannot corner as good as you see on the youtube movie, the real world must be wrong

Seriously, it would be nice to have such powerfull and well handling cars in lfs. The gtr's should be more closer to that...
Last edited by Bluebird B B, . Reason : edit, somehow the wrong persons was quoted
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
It really is lfs stating running 100fps while windowed. cpu-load less then 25%(lfs does not need much cpu power)

Switching to full screen and back solves the problem. Today i have been able to reproduce it several times by letting lfs run in de minimized and than open it again. After several hours of running minimized lfs is showing this minor problem again.

Graphics drivers are latest official catalyst drivers. windows itself 100% up-to-date, aero is disabled.

edit: I have limited lfs to run at maximum of 100fps, it conserves considerable amount of energy.
Last edited by Bluebird B B, .
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Quote from geeman1 :Driving near others tends to make people drive slower. Atleast when the faster driver is behind or when both drivers are of similar speed. Both drivers have to pay attention to where the other is and try to prevent/get the pass.

sorry bit rude, i was talking about cars speeding away for a few corners like they are driving a faster car with 20% extra hp. Some races later, he catched up with me fast well i was consistently driving the fastest laps of all drivers on that server at that time. That is odd...

i didnt bother to save the replay though. But if someone is really cheating he will get caught, because it is so noticable if someone is suddenly doing impossible speeds or cornering.
Last edited by Bluebird B B, .
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Quote from KillaBOFC :I was just woundering I seen a player on my server hitting times that seam imposable to hit making Perfect laps with no screw ups...IM sorry i put in 2whole days doing the same track with every DL set up I could find and tweaked mine and COULD not drive perfect laps every time times would change each lap and would loose RPMs in corners....This person held same line never lost RPMs or gained RPMs you would have thought it was a AI computer car I found it odd so I thought id ask

There are a very few drivers out there who are very,very,very good. They do exactly that, lap near perfect every time again and again and usually such drivers also have setups which are useless to other drivers.

I did last week spot a driver who suddenly pull away as soon as he/she is not very near other cars but suddenly not so fast when close to other cars. Those are interesting to watch, because that might be very subtle cheating. But still be very careful before acusing someone...
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
no-one having this issue in vista/windows7?
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Nothing special, very low end parts for a lowend price.

If you need a system just for internet, msn, icq, yahoo messenger, writing its ok. For gaming, leave it in the shop! It is seriously slow.

note: i can built this system with parts individually purchased with the advantage i KNOW which cheap parts have been used.
Last edited by Bluebird B B, .
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Quote from BenjiMC :I never had the 6-pin in before cus it wasn't in the box so i thought i didn't need one or it would at least of shown up. I went to the shop and got one today.

Did it solve the problem?
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Quote from BenjiMC :ye, i just changed it to PCIE but it didnt work.

Have you connected the powersupply to the videocard? Without it this power, it will not function.
Most likely 1x6 pcie connector.
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :So where are working linux-x64 drivers with 3D acceleration support in present?

Wrong, NVidia have working linux-x64 drivers with 3D acceleration support in present.

No i prefer solaris10, much more modern and more finished than linux. And linux is competing with unix, not microsoft windows unfortunatly . i hoped linux would replace windows as the dominant desktop OS). But instead, linux is taking out competitors to microsoft windows. For now, linux is commercially not important to develop and/or support games on with the exception of the serverside(dedicated servers). But windows is not as bad as it used to be, it can run a dedicated server for a game rather good now too. With the usual disavantages from the windows platform offcourse... wintendo.

anyway i had a quick look at the drivers-pages and release notes from ati (x64), looks rather good though, including crossfire support. Maybe you have the time to test it
Last edited by Bluebird B B, .
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Quote from DavidTiger :Is it better to have the PSU at the bottom? Noticed a lot of high end PC's with them at the bottom...
Mine is at the top, back of the case... Thinking it would because hot air rises

It gives extra space at the top for big fans. A 20 cm fan at the top sucks a lot more air out of the case than a power-supply at the top of a case.

The simple reason, a single 20 fan at the top of a pc-case has no restrictive heatsinks, small casing, wires etc. to push air through. Just the fan, air and one grill. Which results into removing hot air from the cpu real efficiently.
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Quote from Shadowww :Not if ATI could make drivers properly.

Some people just keep living in the past.
Maybe stop looking for dinosaurs... bit waste of time, although crocodiles....:P

Anyway, nvidia and ati have about the same amount of divers issues. ati releases new drivers evvery month and everymonth some things get fixed, sometimes performance improved and in rare cases new bugs are added. despite the huge buglist, its very rare i run into a real bug. And never encountered a driver problem so big, i couldnt run a game. There is one instance, but that is because there is a bug in a not very popualr game but the developers refuse to fix it.

Just wondering, why buy an outdated card? 5xxx series is already on the market with direct11 support, more power efficient and 200-60% faster then 4xxx cards when comparing equal series (4870 vs 5870)
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
"physX processor from ageia"

Not many successful attempts to use it and as mentioned earlier, also i never read about anybody being enthusiastic about it. Just as mentioned earlier, its a very, very, very bad idea to supporting technology's specific for one manufacturer. So physX, No i disagree.

There is an other possibility to get a lot of extra physics calculations:
Todays pc's come with at least dual core cpu's and quad-core cpu's are now available below $100 dollars or less then 85 euro's. So multi-threading would give huge possibilitys to do many, many physics calculations But somewhere on this forum i read a post from scawen rewriting the engine of lfs is a lot of work meaning it will take a long time to do it. But i do think it is becoming more important everyday since performance for a individual core is hardly improving over the last two years but the number of cores is still growing. Soon we can plug in hexa-cores from amd and a few monthes later intel will be producing with 6 to 8-core cpu's. In fact, amd is already supplying hexa-core cpu's for x86 servers.

So if the crew wants to add realism, for example model complex aerodynamics into lfs, i think there will be no other possibility than to rewrite the lfs engine to really take advantage of at least two cpu cores. It will increase available processing power on the average system by about 80%. With quad-cores up to 200% extra cpu-power (using more cores rarely gives linear improvements in performance).

So i do think lfs should use multiple cores, it will open up great possibility in terms of added realism. Waiting to get faster individual cores.. is going to take a very, very long time..
Last edited by Bluebird B B, . Reason : typo s
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :Unfortunately, new physics doesn't necessarily mean new/fixed tyre heating behaviour. It would be nice to have, but I wouldn't bet on it.

Regarding the wear-grip relation, judging from hearsay I thought that at least brand new tyres are often very grippy for the first few laps and then quickly degrade before plateauing at a slightly lower grip level, but I could be imagining things. It is, however, certain that the tyre wear/heat/grip correlation is a very complicated matter that is influenced by many factors, making a completely accurate simulation with just one base tyre model (that we have in LFS) nigh impossible.

Exactly, tried a long time ago to explain the tyres of bf1 feel likes being the same compound as the one used on fox. Also that in the real world severe tyre overheating problems are very rare. I was told i was crazy or something simular and lfs was right, the real world must have been incorrect

All we can do is wait
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Interesting file name you choose:-) How to make the life of sysadmins difficult
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Quote from tristancliffe :Just ask Scawen to give one of the cars a messed up power/torque curve, and hey presto, you've got variable valve control.

It is not that easy since some manufactures now use continuous variable valve timing. I doubt you really notice this beside just better overall performance than engines which do not have it. Making it again pointless to model it into to code. Just improve the parameters for the engine and we are done
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Quote from AndroidXP :

Since the wear doesn't affect grip with the current modelling, it's purely a choice of how far you can go before they blow out

Actually, that is not much different as irl.
Current F1 tyres stay the same until tyres are really worn out. Laptimes go down as fuel load decreases. Suggesting tyres are very constant nowadays in terms of grip. Main difference is, irl they do not have the overheating problems we have in lfs, but the new physics-patch is coming someday
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
People complain about no weather, but lfs has quiete realistic wind effects. However about 100% of servers always set option NO WIND.

So i choose cars&tracks
Bluebird B B
S2 licensed
Quote from Hyperactive :I guess it is just the thing that it would mostly benefit the drifters. People on the LFS forum don't hesitate to shoot down any suggestions if they are not 100% racing related. Basically it means that drifting is looked down and laughed at all the time.

And after all it is quite ridiculous to say 36 degrees is enough because in real life cars don't have such amounts of steering lock. At the same time we can adjust our transmissions in 0.001 steps and have infinite amount of different springs/dampers/arbs in a "standard" car (XRG).

Matrixi said it right.

Actually it has already few times been suggested such precise tuning of cars should be removed.
But for the wings settings and toe-in settings, it should have a much finer control/adjustments